✨ Are you in your Human Design EXPERIMENTATION era? I've got FREE RESOURCES for you ✨

From our conversations throughout the years, I know the majority of folks in the interior creature community are DEEP in the EXPERIMENTATION PHASE of your road home to yourself.

In the experimentation phase, you're putting into practice what you've learned in the epiphany phase. Maybe you're experimenting with honoring your authority and following your strategy. Maybe you're starting to change things in your physical environment or in your daily routine to support the way you're wired. And you're starting to see how embracing your internal wiring is actually starting to shift your external reality. Maybe you're starting to advocate for yourself more. Maybe you're establishing firmer boundaries or having difficult conversations with loved ones that are supportive of your growth and work towards alignment. You probably are starting to connect the dots around how all of the parts and pieces of your charts support each other, but you probably come up with new questions with every new discovery and you KNOW you can go deeper, but you might not be sure of how…

That's where I can help! First up, here are some FREE RESOURCES I've created just for you as you dance with your design…


One of the things I've been wrestling with over the past few years is how I want to show up on social media. Besides regularly teaching about Birth Chart Alchemy on my two blogs (interior creature & karmic studies) and on my YouTube channel, I've discovered that I enjoy utilizing Instagram as a vehicle for education & inspiration.

On the 'gram, I share:

If this feels aligned for you, definitely join us over @interiorcreature


One of the core foundational principles of a successful Human Design experiment is de-conditioning, and a super powerful method of de-conditioning is shadow work. I define shadow work as a practice of self-examination anchored in the core values of curiosity, compassion, and creation.

When we engage in shadow work, we bring into the light the "darkest" parts of ourselves, the parts we might prefer to keep hidden away. These dark parts, these unconscious behaviors and conditioned mindsets, are often rooted in fear, hurt, and anger, and trap us in patterns of self-sabotage and self-abandonment.

When we engage in a shadow work practice, by choosing to bring our attention and awareness to all of the conditioning and programming we've taken on over the course of our lives, we begin to strip those patterns of their power, and make room for more peace, more joy, and more genuine connection.

I created this FREE “SHADOW WORK X HUMAN DESIGN” guide for you and you can download your free copy here.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be back here frequently to share with you how ALL of the rest of my offerings (including more free & low-cost options!) map to each of the three phases, so stay tuned. 👀