✨ Do you know where you are on the road home to yourself? πŸ—Ί ✨

Since I opened my virtual doors in 2018, I have helped thousands of folks explore and excavate their natal Human Design chart, their Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile, and their Astrological Natal & Gestational Charts. And through these thousands of conversations, I've discovered that our path of working with the energies and this information tends to unfold in three phases:




Keep reading to discover which phase you're in…

EPIPHANY: In the epiphany phase, folks have usually just discovered Human Design and the Gene Keys, or have recently felt a pull toward exploring Astrology in a deeper way. You're learning the language of the systems (what's a type? what's a rising sign? what's a transit?) but with every bit of new information you uncover, you experience a feeling of being profoundly seen, held, and understood. You find yourself saying things like β€œhow did the chart KNOW THAT ODDLY SPECIFIC THING ABOUT ME?” and β€œso THAT'S WHY I always _______. I'm wired that way!" It's an exciting yet calming sensation to experience yourself in that way, and you can't wait to go even deeper. That said, usually in this phase, all the parts of your chart seem disconnected from each other and the larger story of YOU has yet to crystalize in your awareness & understanding, but everything you encounter FEELS SO SPOT ON!

EXPERIMENTATION: In the experimentation phase, you're putting into practice what you've learned in the epiphany phase. Maybe you're experimenting with honoring your authority and following your strategy. Maybe you're starting to change things in your physical environment or in your daily routine to support the way you're wired. And you're starting to see how embracing your internal wiring is actually starting to shift your external reality. Maybe you're starting to advocate for yourself more. Maybe you're establishing firmer boundaries or having difficult conversations with loved ones that are supportive of your growth and work towards alignment. You probably are starting to connect the dots around how all of the parts and pieces of your charts support each other, but you probably come up with new questions with every new discovery and you KNOW you can go deeper, but you might not be sure of how…

EMBODIMENT: Finally, in the embodiment phase, you're ready to really excavate and integrate. You're open to zooming in on some of the more nuanced aspects of your energy and do some deep reflecting, some supportive shadow work, and some intentional de-conditioning around how you express that energy. You're getting super honest with yourself about where you've let fear be your decision-maker and are SO READY to break that pattern. The story of YOU, how all the aspects of your energy work together to empower you to live your life's work, is starting to become undeniably clear, and you're ready to embrace it! You're finally seeing the way the matrix has been coded, but now you feel like you're fluent in that programming language AND you know the cheat codes so you KEEP LEVELING UP! And the more you choose to walk with compassion and step away from fear-based programming, the more the world around you starts to mirror your inner vibration. Things are getting so πŸ‘ fuckingπŸ‘ goodπŸ‘!

All of my offerings, resources, blog posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, courses, and readings were intentionally designed with these three phases in mind so I can meet you exactly where you are on your journey home to yourself.

Which phase feels the most like you?

Over the next few weeks, I'll be back to share with you how ALL of my offerings (including free & low-cost options!) map to these three phases, so stay tuned. πŸ‘€