In the last post, I shared with you the three phases of the journey home to yourself that the thousands of folks that I've supported over the years have embarked upon (missed it? I got you! Click on the bold blue link above to read all about it).

Today, I wanted to share with you some of the FREE resources I've created for you if you're in the EPIPHANY phase of your journey.

THE MASTER CLICK PATH:  Up on interiorcreature.com, I created a master click path for you. To check it out, you can click the link in blue here in the previous sentence, and if you head to my website, you can click on the link on the menu bar entitled “new to Human Design & the Gene Keys?” 

There, you'll find links to articles and resources designed specifically for those of you who are new to Human Design and are trying to make meaning of your chart. There's a link to an article about Human Design as a system, and links to blog posts that:

FREE MICRO-COURSES ON HUMAN DESIGN YOUNIVERSITY:  Did you know I run a school on Teachable called Human Design YOUniversity? Well, you do now LOL 

Within that Teachable school, I have several completely free micro-courses there to support you:

  1. “WTF is Human Design?” is totally free when you use the code NOURISH at checkout

  2. “Making Sense of the Centers: The Head Center & The Mind Center” is totally free when you use the code BRAINY at checkout

  3. “Human Design + Saturn Return” is totally free when you use the code SATURN at checkout. Note: it was created when Saturn was in Capricorn, but I think the information is still helpful :)

Are there any topics you'd love to see covered in a micro-course? Let me know! 

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing with you how ALL of the rest of my offerings (including more free & low-cost options!) map to each of the three phases, so stay tuned. 👀