What would it feel like to walk away from FEAR and into the energy of LOVE? How would your world change?

β€œToo many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” Les Brown

In Human Design, each of our placements exists along a spectrum of energy:

  • There is a FEAR based expression of the placement, where we act from a place of putting others before ourselves to our own detriment, or putting ourself above others to their detriment. Actions taken from this frequency are informed by our conditioning, feel awful in the body and usually are in direct opposition to the guidance from our Authority.

  • There is a COMPASSION based expression of each placement as well, where we make decisions that balance consideration for ourselves and others, and aligns with the guidance from our Authority.

  • There is a DIVINE LOVE  based expression of each placement, where we know at a soul level that separation is an illusion and where making decisions in alignment with our Authority is our new baseline.

πŸ’— What would it feel like to walk away from FEAR and into the energy of LOVE? How would your world change? πŸ’—

This is the work we do in the karmic studies | elevator.

The karmic studies | elevator is a course, a community, and a small group/1:1 coaching container that is virtual, flexible, accessible, and highly customized to YOU and YOUR DESIGN.  For about the cost of a reading, you’ll receive 30 days of access to a personalized curriculum to help you deepen your knowledge of your unique energetics as well as regular small group community coaching, where we talk transits, chart synastry, shadow work, and generally nerd out about all things Human Design, the Gene Keys, and Astrology. Membership is month-to-month, and now through May 10th, use the code LUNARECLIPSE and lock in 22% off your monthly membership.