combatting conditioning | venus in gate 57 | november 21st - 26th, 2023

Welcome to Combatting Conditioning, a brand new series from me, Jaclyn Michelle of interior creature.

Periodically, I'll be popping onto the blog to zoom in on a major gate transit and sharing some journal prompts for effective shadow work & deep de-conditioning.

Tomorrow, Venus moves into Gate 57, The Gate of Intuitive Clarity, which is ruled by Libra and lives in the Spleen. This gate asks us to get honest about our conditioned habits, patterns, beliefs, and behaviors around honesty, integrity, and the way our bodies communicate to us about what's true and what's not.

Shadow Work/De-conditioning Questions to consider:

Which end of the fear frequency spectrum to you more frequently tend toward: lying to yourself or lying to others? Does this vary depending on the situation or relationship (in romantic relationships versus in familial relationships versus in friendships versus in professional settings)?

Venus & Truth: Venus is the planet that not only governs our relationships, but the planet that helps us, through those relationships, to determine our values. Venus in Gate 57 (governed by Libra) wants us to explore not only the roles that honesty & integrity play in our relationship with ourself and each other, but also wants us to examine how deeply we trust our intuition around hearing and telling the truth. What truths are easy to tell? Which are more difficult? Is it ever OK to lie, to ourselves or to each other? When and why? or why not? Venus wants us to start to answer these questions for ourselves.

Lying to Self: Read the quote above from Robbie Gass. How does the above quote land with you? Think back to your childhood or teen years. How was honoring your intuition around the truth modeled for you? Were you supported in trusting your gut when you felt someone was lying to you or when you sensed something felt off about a person, environment, or situation? Did you feel safe & supported in sharing these gut knowings with others? Or were you gaslit and told you weren't feeling what you were feeling, or that your intuitive hits were wrong/invalid/unimportant/something to be ignored? How did that impact your connection with your own inner wisdom? Or was your connection to your intuition even modeled for you/discussed at all? How did these early experiences shape how you honor (or ignore) your intuition around the truth today?

Lying to Others: Think back to your childhood or teen years. How were honesty and integrity modeled for you? Were you told the truth by your caregivers? What happened when you were lied to? How did that feel? If you shared that you knew you were being lied to, what was the consequence of that? Was it safe for you to tell the truth as a child? Or was it safer for you to lie? When you told a lie, what was the impact of the lie? How did your early experiences of honesty & dishonesty, lying & telling the truth shape your relationship to telling the truth today?

Are you finding this Combatting Conditioning series supportive? If so, watch this space! The first volume of my book The Rebuilding Year is dropping so soon and I cannot wait to tell you all about it!

In the meantime, thank you for nerding out with me 🤗

Do you have Gate 57 activated in your chart? Let me know in the comments!