the work | meditations for the new paradigm | anger & conflict

A few months ago, I was listening to a podcast where a Catholic theologian was being interviewed and the discussion was about anger and conflict, specifically online. One of the questions the theologian posed was just brilliant. As she was sharing her own meditations on anger, she shared a personal practice. When in conflict, she takes a breath and asks herself (I'm paraphrasing):

What's more important to me: being right? or finding a peaceful resolution?

Such a simple question but WOW is it a powerful shift in perspective.

🤦🏻‍♀️ When we chase "being right," it just begets more conflict because the thing we're seeking is POWER.

🤗 When we genuinely work toward a peaceful resolution, it takes us out of our ego, because we're no longer focused solely on the self. We're focused on the solution and seeking HEALING.

Ever since hearing that conversation, I've found myself coming back to that question over and over and over again.

When we're meditating on the gates in our Human Design charts and doing the work, the path we're walking ideally moves from the shadow to the gift to the siddhi of each gate. This is just one of so many useful reframes that move us out of the old-paradigm conditioning of "self over other" and shifts our energy toward harmony and balance of self and other ❤️

Do you have a similar ego-eradicating meditation or mantra that you've found yourself coming back to as you do the work? Let me know in the comments ✨