shadow work x human design | excavating the throat center

In Human Design, the Throat Center serves as the bridge between our inner and our outer worlds. It's where our thoughts, impulses, and feelings go to become words and actions. (If you’re brand new to human design, start here to learn more about the Throat Center, and how it feels when it’s open and when it’s closed) 🖤

Here are some Shadow Work Journal prompts to consider as you’re going through the de-conditioning process with this center…

Closed Throat Center:

  • What conditioning have I received about myself as a communicator? (As a public speaker? As a writer? As a creative/artist?)

  • Do my answers to these questions change depending on what area of my life I’m considering? (Ex: personal, professional, etc)

  • Do I notice when I misspeak? How do I usually react? Do I self-deprecate? Make a joke? Breeze by it? Double down on the mistake? Avoid communicating further?

  • How do I react when I am not understood? Are there certain situations where this is more likely to happen? What steps, if any, can I proactively take to avoid being misunderstood?

Open Throat Center:

  • What conditioning have I received about myself as a communicator? (As a public speaker? As a writer? As a creative/artist?)

  • How comfortable do I feel with the sound of my own voice?

  • What happens when I change the pacing/rate of my natural speech? How does that make me feel?

  • When am I most likely to mirror the speech patterns of others? Do I notice when I’m mirroring others? How can I bring more awareness to this tendency?

Over the next few months, I'll be sharing where to look in your chart and how to engage with what you find to get the most out of your Human Design experiment. But if you're ready to get started NOW, join the catalyst | fire community. This work is our focus for October & November.

Are you working on de-conditioning/aligning with the energy of your centers using shadow work? Share your experience in the comments!

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