Mercury Retrograde in Taurus | Gate 24 | The Gate of Rationalization

Friday, Mercury Rx moves back into Gate 24, the Gate of Rationalization, and will be there until May 7th. Here's what to expect…

When mercury is retrograde, it's an invitation to  ✋ s  l  o  w   d  o  w  n ✋ and reflect on the themes of the transit.

Gate 24, the Gate of Rationalization, lives in the Mind Center and is ruled by Taurus. This gate governs how we grow and cultivate the foundational knowledge that establishes our zone of genius.

During this retrograde period, especially since Mercury rules the intellect and communication, we're being asked to reflect on HOW we know what we know.

💫 Have we done our intellectual due diligence?

💫 When was the last time we considered new perspectives? studied new developments in the field? sat in the seat of the student and not the seat of the expert?

We can't innovate and transform our field or even know the right questions to ask (via Gate 61, Gate 24's channel partner) when we haven't built a strong, rigorous, and cogent foundation of wisdom first.

This transit is reminding us that we can't run before we learn to walk.

Another perspective:

It's through our mind center that we take in a tremendous amount of conditioning. This retrograde might be an ideal time to engage with some deep shadow work around our belief systems.

💫 What do we hold to be true?

💫 How do we know it to be true?

💫 Does this belief system hold up to rational, logical, good-faith questioning?

💫 Does this belief system hold space for inquiry, for the mysterious, and for the unknown?

REMINDER: Retrogrades are liminal spaces.

It's ok to sit with the questions and not come to any concrete answers.

The answers will come in divine timing 💫

How has this Mercury Retrograde been for you thus far? Let me know in the comments!