You're invited to the 2023 | RESET: 23 days to realign to your human design

The holidays can be, well, A LOT, energetically speaking. There's a quote from Ram Dass that sums this up well: "If you think you are enlightened, go and spend a week with your family."

Oooooof I felt that. As much as I love my family and value the rare time we get to spend together, sometimes I'm left feeling like I need a vacation from my vacation.

From a Human Design perspective, there's an energetic reason for this experience: when we interact with other people's energy, our chart changes in and for that moment. Think of it this way: there's your HD chart, the other person's (or other people's) chart(s), and the chart you all make together. The chart you make together is the one that governs that interaction. And this time of year especially, it can feel like we're swimming (or drowning) in a sea of energy we're not used to. AND AND when you factor in travel, holiday shopping, holiday parties, running last-minute errands, family can be overwhelming, especially if you're someone with open centers in your chart (which is almost everyone!).

A practice I've found useful in recent years is to set aside some time right in the new year to get still and to get realigned with my energy, and this year, I've formalized that process so we can get realigned together in community :)

Introducing the 2023 | RESET, 23 days to realign to your human design. For 23 days, I'll be hosting quick 15-20 min live calls in the am (with replays available) focused on a specific aspect of our energetic body. There will be daily exercises related to the day's topic, with the goal of arming ourselves with the tools we need to make the most intuitively guided and aligned decisions, and a renewed commitment to our energetic health in 2023. You'll have access to the replays for a year, if you want to go back through and refresh your reset at any time :)

You can check out all the details by clicking on the button below. I hope you join us!!!