Introducing YOU by design: the Process & the Practice

Guess who’s baaacccckkkk??!!??!!???


🎤Don’t call it a comeback. I been here for years. 🎶

I took a bit of a break from the blog to go back to graduate school to work toward a second masters degree in Art History (LONG story. More on that detour later…) but now I AM BACK HERE FULL TIME and dedicated to helping you make meaning of your Human Design chart ***cue the fireworks***

And to celebrate, your friendly local Human Design nerd is launching a new class this September! 🎈🥳🎉🥳🎈

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It’s called YOU by design: the process & the practice.

There are two questions I’m asked at the end of readings all 👏 the 👏time 👏:

  1. “How did you learn how to read charts? Will you teach me?” AND…

  2. “Now that I know all of this information about my design, what happens next?”

Enter the process & the practice.

This brand new course will be taught in two parts: LEVEL ONE and LEVEL TWO.

LEVEL ONE: Launching in September, this 11-week class will not just teach you the fundamentals of the process of decoding a Human Design chart, but also will also focus on the practice of living what you’ve learned, all in a jargon-free, practical, actionable, and accessible way :) This class is perfect for those BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW to Human Design and want to really understand the foundational elements of a Human Design chart: our centers, the types & strategies, and the authorities.

LEVEL TWO: This class is perfect for those who’ve finished LEVEL ONE and want more of that sweet sweet HD knowledge, AND perfect for folx who have been studying Human Design for a while, and already have a solid understanding of the centers, type, strategy, and authority, and now really want to learn to decode the higher level stuff: Incarnation Crosses, Profiles, Lines, Channels, Gates, and Planet placements. The structure will be similar to LEVEL ONE (see the logistical info below). Launch date TBD as I’m still building out the curriculum. At the earliest November 2021 but more likely post-holidays in January 2022.

So if you’ve ever wanted to learn the skill of Human Design chart interpretation, or wanted to get a better handle on your own chart or the charts of those you love, this is the course for you!

Now for the logistical stuffs: LEVEL ONE is open for enrollment with two ways to take the class:

  • you can opt to take the class LIVE OR

  • you can opt to take the class ASYNCHRONOUSLY

If you opt for the LIVE class: We’re going to meet 2X a week via Zoom. The first day will be dedicated to taking a deep dive into some of the foundational aspects of the HD chart, and the second day will be more of a practicum. We’ll use the charts you bring to class and look deeply at a) how all the parts and pieces of our charts play together, b) how our wiring interacts with the wiring of others, and c) how to get back in balance and reset our relationship with these aspects of our energy. I want to keep this class small in order to really give you the personalized attention you so deserve, so seating is limited to fifteen.

If you opt for the ASYNCHRONOUS class: This option is perfect for folx who can’t make the dates/times of the LIVE sessions. The replays will drop on the Teachable portal the morning after each LIVE class and will live there in perpetuity (LIVE class folks will have access to these, too!). And to make up for the fact that you won’t be able to bring your charts in for a live in-class discussion, you’ll also receive a code for a 45-min 1:1 session with me to be scheduled for a date and time that work for you, during which you can pick my brain and get any lingering questions answered 🤓

Check out the video announcing the class here by clicking on “Watch Promo. If you scroll down to the Course Curriculum section, you can preview the dates/times of the LIVE class, and if you scroll down even further, there’s information on pricing and how to enroll💗💗

I got this email from a client a couple of months ago. In it, she shared she wanted to start utilizing Human Design in her coaching practice and asked if it were possible “to download my brain into hers” 🤣😂🤣 (My nerdy first line took that as the ultimate compliment🤓). That technology doesn’t exist (yet) so in the meantime, this class is the next best thing.

Got questions? Hit me up at

Hope to see you beautiful humans LIVE in class this September 9th!!!